Training & Information

Courses,Training, Webinars and possible FREE Introduction Sessions


Customized training / seminar to meet your own business needs. Free introduction sessions available upon request. Contact CorrosionPlus for details about our course-on-demand, in-house training and webinar. Examples of corrosion training topics are,

  • Corrosion Basics
  • Cathodic protection - design, testing and monitoring
  • Cathodic protection testing - classroom and field
  • Principles of aqueous corrosion
  • Corrosion kinetics.
  • Pitting corrosion
  • Crevice corrosion
  • Stress corrosion cracking
  • High temperature oxidation
  • Corrosion in aerated environments.
  • Microbial corrosion - recognization, mitigation and prevention
  • H2S corrosion
  • Hydrogen embrittlement
  • Corrosion fatigue
  • CO2 corrosion.
  • Stainless steels
  • Corrosion inhibitors
  • Corrosion monitoring

What is Corrosion?

By Gretchen A. Jacobson - Materials Performance Managing Editor,

Corrosion is a naturally occurring phenomenon commonly defined as the deterioration of a material (usually a metal) that results from a chemical or electrochemical reaction with its environment.1 Like other natural hazards such as earthquakes or severe weather disturbances, corrosion can cause dangerous and expensive damage to everything from vehicles, home appliances, and water and wastewater systems to pipelines, bridges, and public buildings. Unlike weather-related disasters, however, there are time-proven methods to prevent and control corrosion that can reduce or eliminate its impact on public safety, the economy, and the environment.

The science of corrosion prevention and control is highly complex, exacerbated by the fact that corrosion takes many different forms and is affected by numerous outside factors. Corrosion professionals must understand the effects of environmental conditions such as soil resistivity, humidity, and exposure to salt water on various types of materials; the type of product to be processed, handled, or transported; required lifetime of the structure or component; proximity to corrosion-causing phenomena such as stray current from rail systems; appropriate mitigation methods; and other considerations before determining the specific corrosion problem and specifying an effective solution.

The first step in effective corrosion control, however, is to have a thorough knowledge of the various forms of corrosion, the mechanisms involved, how to detect them, and how and why they occur. Simply put, corrosion is the natural deterioration that results when a surface reacts with its environment. Different surfaces, environments and other factors add complexity to the equation.

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CorrosionPlus is headquartered in San Francisco, California, USA.


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Special Promotion

FREE one-hour introduction presentation of corrosion and cathodic protection, on-site or remote determined by CorrosionPlus.

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